Flower Medicine Alchemia

A Devotional Practice for Divine Feminine Leadership 

The Way Of The New Earth Priestess


The word "Myrrhophore" is derived from the Greek words "myrra" (meaning "myrrh") and "pherein" (meaning "to bear" or "to carry").

Flowers carry many virtues and blessings. Our work with their essences works as emotional scaffolding. They imbue their blueprints into our subtle bodies for healing and transformation - the very reason I infuse these essences into my skincare for radical results.

Guided by my natural and intuitive connection to the flowers, you will be introduced to the incredible power of flower essences through rituals and creations.

The Myrrhophores are the β€œScent Mistresses” or β€œAnointers” They were an ancient lineage of women who embodied the Sacred Connection in the arts of anointing for rites of passage, ceremony, sacred space and initiations through the wheel of the year.

This is for you if you feel the call to Journey with the cycles and seasons, and to explore the liminal spaces and wild edges of the Divine Feminine Path. The Flower Alchemia is a nourishing and transformative invitation to awaken, connect and embody each turn of the seasonal wheel of Lady Saturn with the Plant Queendom as your guide. This connection allows you to upgrade your frequency, unfurl your potential and connect deeper to who you are through the language of flowers, trees, fauna and roots.

Each Spiral of Flower Alchemia will invite you into the Apothecary of the Season and Gift You The Sacred Compass and Keys of The Remembering.

Discover Magnetism Through

The Flower Alchemia 2025

The Earth Priestess  Spirals

  New Earth - Rebirth 

Remembering the Spiral of
Flower Alchemia Medicine 

Connect and Embody the Treasures of Renewal, Growth and Harness The Yang Power of Potential

Beltane online Meditation and Sacred Circle with Group via zoom


Ostara Equinox   20/3/25
(7pm zoom )

Beltane Fire Spiral 1/5/25
7pm zoom

or 2/5/25

In Person

& Beltane

Queen of The Rose Lineage Rosa Mystica

Aria of The Heart 

Connect and Embody the Treasures and Guidance of Fire into Earth -Journey of Transformation , Shakti Radiance , Avoid Burn Out

Lammas online Meditation and Sacred Circle with Group via zoom


Lithia Solstice   21/6/25
(10-4pm, in person)

Lammas First Harvest 31/7/25
(7-8pm, zoom)

& Lammas

Harness and Conserve
Your Inner and Outer Harvest

Earth, release, Grief work supported by the Autumnal trees + flower cycle 

Connect and Embody the Treasures of harvest , abundance and the magic of the Goddess New Year

Samhain online Meditation and Sacred Circle with Group via zoom


Mabon Harvest Equinox 20/9/25 (10-4pm, in person)

Samhain New Year of Goddess 30/10/25
(7-8pm, zoom)

& Samhain

Embrace the Yin Medicine 

Unfurl and Journey on the inward spiral of the dark season 

Connect and Embody the treasures of wintering in the slow season into the emergence and magic of Imbolc

Yule online Meditation and Sacred Circle with Group via zoom 


Yule -Mistletoe -Yew Medicine 18/12/25(7pm, zoom)

Imbolc Emergence -Wood Dragon Year 1/2/25
(10-4pm, in person)

& Imbolc

Step into stillness, Unravel, Feel Complete 

An in-person retreat, held under the trees with the flowers and the stream - bare feet and open hearts. The Flowering of The Magdalene is a bonus day held on the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene.

This Spiral will work only with the sacred rose and will include:

  • Venus Flower Essence Work for Self Value-Worth, Abundance , Creativity and Wisdom

  • Desert Rose Alchemy

  • Clear the Wounded Feminine -Identify and Clear to Embody Core Presence

  • Flower Activation & Alchemy- Celestial Flower Codes of Now

  • Rose Womb Embodiment and Movement

  • Mary Magdalene written out of history for almost 2,000 years, she is here in our midst to help us transition into the Age of Aquarius where the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine will be in balance and enable us to live in a better world.

  • A repentant sinner and follower of Jesus were the roles ascribed to her in The New Testament, but since the discovery of the Gnostic Gospels which became known as the Nag Hammadi Library, she comes over rather differently. Companion of Jesus, mother, teacher, healer and priestess are just some of the insights we can glean from the Gnostic texts. he Gospel of Mary and The Gospel of Thomas tell us Mary Magdalene was a trusted, independent, insightful, and courageous Apostle to the Apostles.

    She may well have been a conduit for the secret teachings of Jesus – in β€˜The Gospel of the Saviour’ Jesus describes her as β€œThe Woman Who Knows the All”.

  • Includes Plant Based Seasonal Light Nourishing Fire Element Lunch

  • Any Dietary Requirements Please State at time of booking

  • We look forward to welcoming you to celebrate Mary Magdalene Feast Day

Early Bird: Β£122 closes May 2025
Full Investment Β£199

Flowering of The Magdalene’s Retreat - 20th July

What To Bring - In-Person Retreat Spiral

- Comfortable clothing, appropriate for time outdoors
- Boots for walking if wet
- Journal + Pen
- An item for the altar 

Lunch will be provided to sustain and nourish your day.

Menus will be in tune with the season to ensure the plant medicine extends into the embodiment. Includes smoothies, wild herbs, kombucha and ancient grains, berries and dark chocolate 

Please inform prior to booking of any food allergies, sensitivities and requirements.

What To Bring - Zoom Online Spiral

- Journal + Pen
- Oils + Essence
- Tissane Brew

Allow quiet space undisturbed for an hour

Each Flower Alchemia Spiral:

During each Flower Alchemia Spiral you will work with a selection of Rhythm of Beauty Flower Essences, Sacred Oils and Tisanes, as well as following a specific dieta of seasonal flowers and trees, Flower Nutrition and Alchemy.

Together, we will explore how Flower Divination, Flower Oracle work, time out in nature and Sacred Annointing Rituals with oils and essences can deepen your connection, remembering and empowerment of wellness, vitality and radiance.

Please note that for Certification, you will need to complete in full the whole year’s journey which includes case studies and written assessments online. If you prefer to take this as a personal journey through the flower wheel of the year, you are welcome to dip in and out of the journey as and when the flowers call you.

Early Bird Pricing + Full Journey 2025

If you feel called by the flowers and their divine virtues - you can reserve your space here.

Each season in-person is Β£144.00

Each season on zoom is Β£88.00

Spiral One - Ostara + Beltane
Spiral Two - Lithia + Lammas
Spiral Three - Mabon + Samhain
Spiral Four -Yule + Imbolc